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Firsts, Firsts, Firsts

Writer's picture: James ColeJames Cole

Hey everyone! So here I am, finally making that damn writing blog I always complain about. Truth be told I don't even know what to do now that I've got one. As my writing career develops I suppose I'll be posting events, snippets, and other media so you (whoever you are) can keep up to date on my projects. I'm not much for social media so this is all very alien to me. Still, I'm excited to finally share some of my work.

To start off, here's a list of upcoming/ongoing projects to look out for:

- For those of you in the Charlottesville area, the Live Poets Society and Live Poets Society, Too will be meeting soon. Its a great a opportunity to share your work and connect with other local writers. My poem "Those Letters Never Measure" was featured in their last blog post and can be found here:

- The Charlottesville Writer's Critique Circle is also meeting every other Tuesday. We primarily move through Meetup so find us on there if you want to join.

- My first full chapbook, Crow, come home, is in its final stages of editing and will hopefully be finished in the next few weeks. Stay tuned for updates on that

- I know its a long ways off but my friend and fellow poet Sara Robinson is hosting another reading at Ragged Branch Distillery on May 18th. Sara is a fantastic poet and she has asked me to read with her that evening. I'm very excited and will be sure to post more about this as the date approaches

- Recently I attended the Roanoke Valley Writer's Conference at Hollins University. This was my first true conference and I had a blast! So many great seminars on improving fiction, combating self-doubt, and climbing the rungs of the writing world.

- Okay, I'm almost done, I promise! My novel (still untitled) is slowly eating me alive. I think to improve my morale and give you all a taste I'll post a few sections in the next few days.

- Lastly, my write a poem everyday for a year challenge is still going strong, but I fear with so many pieces I'm slowly losing track of which ones are good (and are therefore worth revisiting) and which ones are utter trash. So, to remedy that I decided I'll start posting here and see your reactions.

That's all for now!

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